Congratulations to the NOSA Members and their dogs who participated in K9 Scentinels Chilliwack SDDA nosework trial in the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association Museum May 28, 2023. The most notable result is as follows:
- Betsy Moyer and Ranzfel’s Time Will Tell, “Teagan” earned their Elite Champion and Grand Master Champion titles under judge Lou Ann Lambert. This is an OUTSTANDING achievement, being the highest and most prestigious awards in sporting Scent Detection in Canada. The requirements are as follows:
- Sporting Detection Elite Champion – SD-ELCH Five (5) titling scores at the Elite Level achieved under at least two (2) different judges. At least two (2) scores must be gold scores (96% or higher).
- Sporting Detection Grand Master Champion – SD-GMCH requires one MACH title consisting of 10 titles at either the Advanced or Excellent level of which 3 must be gold (96% or higher) and 3 must be at the Excellent level combined with the SD-ELCH. Scores must be achieved under at least three (3) different judges.
We believe that Teagan is the first English Cocker Spaniel to complete the extensive requirements to attain this level in Canada.
In addition to his amazing SDDA accomplishments, Teagan earned his Grand Master level in the Canadian Kennel Club Scent Detection trial a month earlier on April 9, 2023, at the Maritime Museum in Campbell River under judge Karen Bereti. This is the highest-level award in CKC Scent Detection and requires a total of 6 Master titles earned to complete the Grand Master designation.
Congratulations to Betsy Moyer and her outstanding ECS Ranzfel’s Time Will Tell TDX, ETD, SDGMCh, TD, SD-GMCH, SD-ELCH, NW3.